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Host a Zoom meeting

How do I host a Zoom meeting?

To host a Zoom meeting, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a web browser and visit (regular users) or (HIPAA Zoom)
  2. Click SIGN IN.
  3. Sign in with your linkblue credentials.
  4. Click HOST A MEETINGSelect Video or Audio.
  5. Click Open
  6. If needed, click the “Computer Audio” tab.
  7. Click Join With Computer Audio.
  8. Click Invite Others.
  9. Click Default Email.
    Note: To make Outlook your default email, visit Mac Setup, or Windows Setup for instructions.
  10. Add your participants in the email you want to invite.
  11. Click Send.
  12. When your meeting is over, click End Meeting in the lower right corner.

For Zoom support, please visit Zoom Support.

For questions, please contact ITS Customer Services:

859-218-HELP (4357)

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