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Connect to Eduroam

What is eduroam?

Students, Faculty, and Staff of the University of Kentucky as well as visitors from participating higher education institutions should utilize eduroam, a secure and encrypted Wi-Fi network providing enterprise-level Internet access, as their primary Wi-Fi network on campus.

Visitors from participating higher education institutions: you will have a ‘guest’ level of access when connected to eduroam at UK, but will not have full enterprise-level access.

Connect to eduroam

There are two ways to connect to eduroam:


Click below to start the onboarding process which will keep you connected to eduroam for 5 years.
Connect to eduroam

Certificate Onboarding Step-By-Step Instructions

Manually Connect

To manually connect, simply:

  1. Select eduroam from the available Wi-Fi networks while on campus.
  2. Connect using your & linkblue password.

Manual Step-by-Step Instructions:

Additional Instructions

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